You’re looking for inspiration for a new project or goal but you find yourself spinning from idea to idea. You just want to feel clear on what your priorities are so you know your headed in the right direction.

Perhaps you’re at a crossroads and need to make an important choice but you find yourself anxious and indecisive? You want to be sure you’ve considered all your angles so you can move forward with confidence.

Or perhaps your life feels out of sync with what is important to you but you aren’t quite sure how? You know something feels off and you are eager to pinpoint what you’d like to shift.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Preparation
  • Step 1. Your Wheel of Life
  • Step 2. Your Reflections
  • Step 3. Your Action Plan


It can be easy to zone in on only one area of our lives and loose site of all of the pieces that make up who we are and our experience.  When you’re seeking inspiration or looking for clarity it is so important to consider all the elements of your life and how they work together to shape your experience. This will provide you with important perspective to understand where you want to focus your energy. The Wheel of Life assessment is a fast and easy way to get an impression of your level of satisfaction in each of the segments that cover your whole life.


Find a comfortable spot, where you won’t have any disruptions and spend a few minutes quieting your mind and connecting with yourself. Try saying this loving kindness meditation to yourself while taking a few slow deep breaths:

May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I be safe
May I be at peace

Once you feel calm and settled, grab a pencil and head to Step 1.

Step 1 . Your Wheel of Life Assessment

Score each of the following 8 segments on a 1-10 scale on how satisfied and fulfilled you feel, with 1 being ‘not at all satisfied’ and 10 being ‘totally satisfied’. If any of the headings don’t feel meaningful to you, then feel free to scratch it out and write your own.

JSC_Wheel of Life.png


Step 2. Your Reflections

  1. What do you notice about your wheel? Where are things going great and where are things not going as well?

  2. What surprises you?

  3. When you sit with your wheel what do you want for yourself and for your life? Where do you want to focus more of your energy?

Step 3 - Your Action Plan

Now that you have clarity on your true priorities how will you get into action to bring them to life? Here’s a simple way to formulate your action plan


  1. Choose your focus area.

Pick one segment of your wheel to focus on. Which one gets you most excited and will have the biggest impact on your life?


My focus area is: ___________________________________________________


  1. Craft your vision.

What is it you are wanting more of here? What do you want less of? If you had a magic wand and all is as you want it to be, what does that look like?


My vision is:  ________________________________________________________________________








  1. Get into action!

Identify 1-2 practical and achievable actions you can take THIS WEEK to get you moving towards your vision.


Hi, I’m Jessica Smith

I work with ambitious professionals who are driven to reach their full potential in their careers and live more meaningful, harmonious lives by better aligning what they do with who they are.

I’ll help you put your finger on what makes you feel purposeful, passionate and fulfilled so you can line things up in a way that feels more authentic to you.


I’ll help you detangle your fears and doubts from your hopes and dreams so you can get out of the cycle of planning and pondering, and create a life that feels fantastic. Read more about me here >>


My mission

I believe we are all leaders. I believe that we are all more productive, more satisfied and more energized and happier when we are doing something that we find meaningful and that brings us joy. And I believe that this is possible for each of us.


It is my mission to help as many people as possible find their sweet spot - to reach their full potential and live more meaningful and harmonious lives by better aligning who they are with what they do.


Still feel like something is missing?


If you are having trouble putting your finger on exactly what you are looking for or are finding it tough getting into action, then my condensed coaching program, Discover What Makes You Shine, is for you! It’s packed with exercises and insights that will deliver you the clarity you have been craving. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of what a meaning filled life that feels more you.


Investment: $99

  • Buy now >>

  • Learn more >>


Have questions? Email me. (link to email)



Within 24 hours of booking your session you’ll receive an email from me with instructions and your prep work.  Then, we’ll hold your session and get you on your way!

Have questions?

Send me an email me at and I will get back to you within 48 hours.

“I highly recommend working with Jessica. She is a class act and helped me to become a better version of myself. I am going forward with more hope and clarity about who I am and want to be. I am ever so thankful to Jess for her guidance and support.”

- Liz Woodhouse, AVP Human Resources and Talent at Walden Behavioral Care